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Bamboo You: Organic Clothing

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Organic Clothing

Organic clothing has become not only a fashion choice, but a political statement as well. Now, you can find some great organic (bamboo, organic cotton, and hemp) fabric products, clothing and recycled material accessories) at MyKorazon. The selection of organic shirts, pants, dresses, socks, shoes, belts, and wallets is pretty impressive.

From Loomstate Jeans, Earth Shoes, Prana Yoga and workout clothing, Hats by Livity, Pangea body care and gifts and hemp journals and sketchbooks. MyKorazon has it all.

One of the things I like about MyKorazon is their use of the term eco-customer. I haven't thought much about it until now, but eco-consumerism is becoming a larger force in the global economy, and inherent in the organic movement is a grassroots philosophy to drive business to produce more environmentally friendly products, and to use more environmentally friendly processing methods, become more fuel efficient and carbon aware.

Do your part for the environment, and buy bamboo and organic products. If you shop at MyKorazon, use the Discount code of 'rjgreenwave' and save 5% off your purchase price.


Success Through Play said...

Great styles!

kermitjohnson said...

I am wondering if your readers know that bamboo floors are excellent alternatives to Brazilian hardwoods?

Here is something that might be interesting to your readers: